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cThe AI ​​service functions provided by various manufacturers are becoming more and more powerful!

WordPress users,

How to use open source technology,

To make your self-media more competitive in the market

happiness course

Happiness Coach Mr. Huang

Chao Information Media Community Editor

Using open source technology is a smart way to

It can improve the competitiveness of WordPress self-media.

Here are some suggestions:

#Integrated natural language processing (NLP) capabilities:

Use open source NLP tools,

Such as spaCy, NLTK, etc.,

to improve textual analysis of content,

Sentiment analysis and other functions,

Make your self-media smarter and deeper.

#Image recognition technology:

Integrate open source image recognition technology into your website,

To improve the performance of searching and classifying multimedia content.

Open source projects such as OpenCV or TensorFlow can be used to implement such functionality.

#Personalized recommendation system:

Using the open source recommendation system framework,

Like Apache Mahout or TensorFlow Recommenders,

Provide users with more personalized,

Recommend content that matches their interests.

#Automated content generation:

Integrate natural language generation (NLG) tools,

For example, OpenAI’s GPT model,

to automatically generate articles, titles or descriptions,

to save time and increase content variety.

#SEO Optimization:

Use open source SEO tools,

Such as Yoast SEO,

to ensure your content ranks higher in search engines.

At the same time, natural language processing technology can be used to optimize content,

Make it more compliant with search engine requirements.

happiness course

Happiness Coach Mr. Huang

Chao Information Media Community Editor


Leverage open source social media integration tools,

Such as Social Media Auto Publish or WP to Twitter,

Automate sharing of new content on social media,

Increase exposure.

#Analysis and data visualization:

Use open source data analysis tools,

Such as Matplotlib, Plotly or D3.js,

To present data such as website traffic and user behavior,

Help you better understand your readers’ needs and adjust your content strategy.

#Encryption and Security:

Use open source encryption tools,

For example Let's Encrypt,

Make sure your website connection is secure.

Also, keep WordPress and all plugins up to date,

to prevent security breaches.

#Mobile Application Development:

If your budget allows,

Consider developing your own mobile app,

To provide a more intuitive user experience.

You can save development costs by using open source frameworks like React Native or Flutter.

#Community participation:

Leveraging the power of the open source community,

Participate in discussions in relevant areas,

Share your experiences and learn from them.

This helps build your professional image,

At the same time, you may receive valuable suggestions and cooperation opportunities.

The integration of these open source technologies

Can make your WordPress self-media more competitive,

Improve user experience and attract more readers.

Of course, the specific integration method should be adjusted based on your goals and reader needs.







Welcome new startup teams, studios, individuals, developers, self-media mutual assistance and mutual benefit


If you/you are willing to support me to continue creating,

You are welcome to buy me a cup of coffee,

Thank you/you!



Avatar of 賴彤兒.
Digital Consultant | Marketing Expert
over 1 year

2022/09/01 - Develop Log


1. Keeping releasing content on social media, please check discord for details.

2. Completed calculating Member Points Records. Please check:


3. Reset a new round of Activity Events.

4. Discord channel redesigning: Still on going! Please stay tuned, thank you.

5. Karma Ksana’s introduction video is released: https://youtu.be/iiszuE0XSa4

6. We are planning to hold more events on Discord, please give us your ideas or advice, thank you!

Core team:

1. Keeping connecting and negotiating with institutions for private sale.

2. A new member joined the team as a Social Media Marketer.

Game development:

1. Continually conducting NFT artworks and finishing some characters.

2. The PV is released: https://youtu.be/R5aPZx3QGHk

3. The story structure and characters are completing the details.

Web development:

1. Optimizing Litepaper content, increasing content and infographic.

2. Built and tested the API function of the Membership System.

3. Karma Genesis website will be launched in September.

#KarmaKsana #Blockchain #Development #Community #Gamefi

Avatar of Trantor Liu.
Founder & CEO @CakeResume
over 2 years

#CakeResume 團隊尾牙——期待新的一年繼續為大家服務!

預祝各位新年快樂 🐯

#TalentConnect #Community #Networking

Avatar of 陳柏翰.
Video Editor / Colorist @ Ubiquiti Inc.
over 2 years


民視年度旗艦型連續劇 - 《鏡子森林》

#Community #colorgrading #Colorist

Avatar of BookFast.
over 2 years

BookFast 誠徵新血!下一個BookFaster就是你!

🔥 焦點職缺:客戶成功專員、產品經理、商務總監

BookFast 團隊在 2021 年持續開發許多強大功能,趨勢小組也同步在政府紓困補助、五倍券發放期間,提供商家產業即時資訊,並與政府合作參與『中小企業補助計畫』,讓各場館在疫情間無痛數位轉型,疫情後更能無縫接軌新氣象,輕鬆引領業界趨勢!

精彩回顧 2021 年新功能的同時,我們也期許 2022 年能帶來更多強大功能!

👉 立即看『後疫情時代必備功能』 ▶︎ https://pse.is/3vj75r

👋 誠徵夥伴,年後轉職趁現在 ▶︎ https://pse.is/3uj6l2

#BookFast #運動場館智慧營運最佳夥伴 #Community

Avatar of 陳柏翰.
Video Editor / Colorist @ Ubiquiti Inc.
over 2 years


C Musical - Warten Online 音樂劇《不讀書俱樂部》

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